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Pearl Gourami - One of the Best in the Gourami Family

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Pearl Gourami (Trichogaster leeri) is much loved by fresh water aquarists because of its lovely color display and peaceful nature. With so many hybrids, it's hard to tell which one is the original. Original Pearl Gouramis have reddish, brownish color, with the entire body and fins covered with pearly white spots. The underside of the fish is covered with rich red-orange tinge. A dark horizontal line transverses the body of the Pearl Gourami from the nose, slowly fading as it reaches the tail, ending in a blot of dark color. In comparison, females are not elaborately colored.

Shoal of 9 Pearl Gourami by JohnInFlorida51
Caring for your Pearl Gourami is easy, making it a perfect choice for those who are just starting with the hobby. It is best to buy them in pairs for they like the company other fish of their breed. A mix of 1 male for 2 females is ideal. Males have a tendency to attack females that refuse to spawn during the breeding season, making it necessary to build a harem for them. The Pearl Gourami is omnivorous and not that picky when it comes to food. Even so, a diet of various kinds of food is essential to keep your fish healthy and maintain its color. It would do well with flake food, black worms, brine shrimp, and glass worms. When it's about time to spawn, vegetables such as lettuce and spinach will be just right for them.

To create an ideal biotope for your Pearl Gourami, place as much plants as you can in the tank, both as food and as shelter for your fish. As they live in shallow waters, don't place too much water. A tank filled just about half-way would be perfect. The water filter in your tank should be adjustable. Pearl Gourami does not want too much water agitation and will always hide in the dense foliage in your tank if set on too high. When it's time to spawn, the male takes on a heavier hue of color. They breed by making bubble nests, so make sure that the other fish in your tank are peaceful in nature.

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Written by BC Hodges
BC is a cichlid enthusiast and wants to inform people of the great joy cichlids are to keep. Check out African Cichlids to get educated about cichlids. Or check out a great resource for when you Buy Cichlids.

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