On my fourteenth birthday, I'll never forget it, I got a pet ferret. I was a little hesitant about the present, but my dad assured me that ferrets made great gifts. Gee...thanks, I thought. Who wants a stupid ferret? I wanted a dog. Not just any dog, a rottweiler. I guess my dad had other plans. So just to be mean, I named the ferret 'Dookie', because it had some brownish fur spots. Within the first couple of hours playing with 'Dookie', I realized that ferrets were actually fascinating creatures. And the more I got to know 'Dookie the ferret', the more I began to realize just how cool ferrets really were. I grew to love my ferret.
Ferret Relaxing on the Sofa by originalpozer |
Three years came and went and 'Dookie' was right by my side. We had survived most of high school, several girlfriends, and all-night cramming sessions, together. He was really one of my best friends. I took great care of my ferret, made sure to give him a bath, everyday. I cleaned his cage with special ferret deodorizer, three times a week. I made sure to fully ferret-proof my house and give him the proper diet. And because of my ferret care those three years, 'Dookie' grew to be a strong and intelligent ferret. What was special about my ferret was the way he'd find a way to make me laugh, everyday. You know how people say dogs have personalities, and they do. Well, ferrets have their own unique personalities, and to me, they're hilarious, fun-loving animals.
At the ripe age of 4, my pet ferret had reached his peak of life. 'Dookie' was a fully mature ferret, cunning and quick. But 'Dookie' was no match for one of his kinds most feared enemies; a reclining sofa aka ferret squasher. One day after a long football practice I let 'Dookie' out. I was always pretty confident about where it was he would go. Really, 'Dookie' roamed around the house like he owned the place. I knew that reclining sofas were potential ferret killers, my family had the sofa prior to me getting him. I see that my dad didn't look over his ferret information. Anyways, 'Dookie' had never, in the four years that I had him, climbed into the sofa. Keyword is 'into'. When my mom sat down on the reclining sofa, the chair folded up and there was a loud yelping noise. Right away I knew what had happened. I did not want to believe it at first. Worse, I could not stand to look under the sofa, to make sure that's what happened to my precious pet ferret. Half an hour passed and my mother came into my room. I'll never forget what she said, "All ferrets go to Heaven".
About the Author: Jim Worthington owns Pet Ferret Secrets which helps others learn about pet ferret care -
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