It's a Dog's Life

It's a Dog's Life
Furry Four-legged Fun

Family Felines

Family Felines
Cats Rule and Dogs Drool

Won't You Be My Neigh-Bor?

Won't You Be My Neigh-Bor?
Ride 'Em Cowgirl(boy)

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather
Flights of Fancy

Do Cats Think?

Monday, February 28, 2011

I don’t know why I thought I could get away with it. When my cat “Bear” jumped onto my lap expecting his morning petting session, I wondered if THIS time I could get away with reading the newspaper while giving him a few off-hand, preoccupied strokes. Do I Think? Yeah, and I'm Thinking I Want To Be Outside by Alexander Somma “Heh, heh”, I thought. “I’ll...

The Albino Ferret Can Be a Fun and Entertaining Pet

Sunday, February 27, 2011

It was the middle of the night when I heard noises in the kitchen, something or someone was moving around and my wife's worried expression said... it was my duty to check it out. I crept in quietly, not knowing whether I'd find a burglar or a large rat, neither a comforting thought at 2am. Flicking on the light I jumped into the room shouting... "Arghhh"!...

The Red Iguana: Important Features

Saturday, February 26, 2011

There are more than sixty types of iguanas and they have over seven hundred species. By and large, iguanas are found in America, Southern Canada, South America and a few islands of Fiji and Madagascar. The different varieties of iguana comprise those with curly tails, whip like tails, anoles and swifts. There are different types of iguana depending on their...

Western Saddles Versus English Saddles

Friday, February 25, 2011

While there are many different types of riding the world over, the most basic are English riding, and Western riding. The saddles are specialized within each of these distinct styles of riding. Each of these types of riding means a different type of saddle. There are Western saddles for Western events, and English saddles for English events. Western and English...

Familiarize Yourself with African Cichlids Breeding

Thursday, February 24, 2011

There really comes a time when a pet owner would love to breed their own fishes. As a matter of fact, African cichlids breeding has been a common practice for most fish enthusiasts. Since these types of fishes are very popular, it is somehow rewarding to have a few of your own. Inter-breeding different species of African cichlids enables one to come up with...

Cat Claws - A Sticky Subject

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cat claws are optimized for stealthy hunting and for defense. Your cat will also entertain you when you offer her a gift-wrapped package to open. Nothing like ribbons and noisy paper to tear into with her razor sharp cat claws. Have you ever looked at your cat's claws? If you gently press on his paw pad, the little sword will pop out so you can have a good...

GPS Pet Collars to Find Your Pet Quickly

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Time is of the essence when your pet goes missing. The faster you react the greater your chances are of getting him back safe and sound. Some years back, if your pet was lost, the only recourse you had was to contact your local pet clinics and put up missing posters. Valuable time was lost going from pillar to post asking people if they had seen your pet and...

Tips on Bathing Your Horse

Monday, February 21, 2011

In the past, many horse owners and trainers did not bathe horses because they were afraid of stripping the bacteria and natural oils from the horse's coat. As more horses are being used in competition, they must look and be clean so horses are being bathed on a more regular basis, especially during the summer months. There's nothing better than a clean horse,...

Dog Tuxedos – Formal Wear for Dogs

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dogs are part of our families. We feed them everyday; make sure they have plenty of water. We buy them lots of toys so they won't chew up all of our stuff. We give them a nice bed to sleep on, sometimes right next to ours. When it is cold outside, we put on their sweater before we go out. When we get married, what will your dog need? A dog tuxedo! Wedding...

The Golden Apple Snail

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Golden Apple Snail is a popular addition to most types of freshwater aquarium due to their colour and size. They are native to Southern and Central America and Southern USA. If looked after and cared for correctly they can reach a size of up to 6 inches in diameter. Golden Apple Snail by Roo Reynolds Feeding Apple Snails are voracious herbivores. Devouring...

A Complete Guide to Bearded Dragon Nutrition

Friday, February 18, 2011

Because bearded dragons eat an extremely diverse range of insects, vegetables, fruit and flowers, they're not difficult to feed. However the important thing to remember is that they also need good nutrition. So it's not as simple as finding just any old leftovers in your kitchen. Whilst this is possible you need to be very aware of exactly what you're feeding...

The Brittany Spaniel - Equally at Home on Hearth or Field

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Brittany Spaniel - sometimes called simply the "Brittany" - is one of the most popular birding dogs, but has also become a very popular family pet. The attractive coloration and easy temperament have brought it into many homes. Still, there are a number of bird hunters who are Brittany Spaniel enthusiasts. Brittany Spaniel by Pharaoh Hound The origin...

Tips on Banggai Cardinalfish Care and Spawning

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cardinalfishes or Pterapogon are classified to the family Apogogonidae. Over 200 individual species comprise this genus. Cardinalfishes are endemic to both that Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. These ray finned fish are primarily a marine species. Although, they also inhabit brackish water found where bodies of saltwater and freshwater come together. Cardinalfish...

Spiders' Increasing Popularity As Exotic Pets

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spiders can be really amusing to observe. They move about quietly and are known to cope well in several types of environments. Maintenance is likewise not very difficult as they are generally clean and don't leave much clutter. These account for the growing popularity of keeping spiders as exotic pets. Would you like to buy exotic pets? However, as spiders...

How to Groom Your Chinchilla Properly

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chinchilla dust allows your pet to stay clean. If they were still living in the Andes Mountains, they would have to use volcanic ash to stay clean. Oils and dirt stay in your pet's coat because of the dust. The dust then causes the oil and dirt to be released from your pet. This is the process of how the chinchilla's fur is cleaned. A chinchilla's cleanliness...

Pet Lizards Basics

Sunday, February 13, 2011

There are approximately 5,000 "known" species of lizards around the world and a lot of them have become popular in terms of becoming household pets. The range in size, shape, color and look is so wide that breeders and ordinary pet lovers find them very interesting and for some, they consider their pet lizards as their collection. But there are a few things...

How to Train a Rabbit to Use the Litter Box

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Training a rabbit to use the litter box is not very hard. Rabbits are pretty smart so you can train them to do lots of things besides litter training. Litter training will give your rabbit the freedom to be adventurous around the house while not having to pick up after him/her. Chewy our rabbit was relatively easy to train when we first got him. It took about...

Top 10 Tips for Avoiding Obesity in Your Horse

Friday, February 11, 2011

Everyone has their own perception of what equates overweight. A big bulky horse just like the front row of a rugby team might be heavy because of muscle. However if that excess weight and bulk is due to fat, then you need to be concerned. Epidemiological studies and statistics indicate that overweight horses are a growing ('scuse the pun) problem, reflecting...

American Curl - History and Breed

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Boasting head adornments that could have easily been fashioned by a legendary hat designer, along with their opulently plumed tails reminiscent of a luxurious ostrich-feather boa, the American Curl has audiences in awe worldwide. Distinguished by truly unique ears that curl back in a graceful arc offering an alert, perky, happily-surprised expression, people...

Peach Faced Lovebirds

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Peach Faced lovebirds are pint-sized bundles of joy. They have the full personality of parrots while being easy to house because of their size. My birds are little clowns, playing for hours at a time. They love to hang from toys, spin them around, and dance on your shoulder. I have had to watch my buttons! They love to pull them off my clothes! Such loving...

Dwarf Russian Hamster Care

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dwarf Russian hamsters are often preferred over larger hamsters due to size and appeal of small hamsters. Dwarf Russian hamsters make great pets provided the owner keeps a few things in mind. This article will elaborate on the things you need to know to care for your dwarf Russian hamster. Dwarf Russian hamsters need a cage that is escape proof since these...

Proper Tiger Barb Fish Care

Monday, February 7, 2011

Many fish lovers choose to have an aquarium in their home or office. When deciding to have an aquarium, one should do some research to find out what types of fish do well with other fish and ones that do not. It is also very important to learn proper aquarium care as well. Many local fish and pet stores can give you the information that you need or you can find...