It's a Dog's Life

It's a Dog's Life
Furry Four-legged Fun

Family Felines

Family Felines
Cats Rule and Dogs Drool

Won't You Be My Neigh-Bor?

Won't You Be My Neigh-Bor?
Ride 'Em Cowgirl(boy)

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather
Flights of Fancy

How to Train Your Horse to Accept the Trailer

Monday, January 31, 2011

Horses are fight or flight creatures, they flee from danger or stand fast to fight. From a horse's point of view a trailer must seem like a dark and dangerous cave-like object and from a survival point of view, getting stuck in a cave is never a good move to make. Years of survival instincts have taught horses not to go into dark, ominous looking places. Horses...

The Chausie - Exotic Hybrid Cat

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Chausie - Is this hybrid cat breed right for you? A Chausie is also known as Jungle Curl, Stone Cougar, or Mountain Cougar. It is a hybrid of the Domestic Cat (Felis Silvestris Catus) and Jungle Cat (Felis Chaus). Despite their wild appearance, they are domestic. Never heard of a Chausie? You're not alone. This exotic breed is the result of careful breeding...

Helping Children Deal with Pet Loss

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Grief is the normal and natural reaction when a pet has died. Everyone, including children perceives loss differently. Grief is a very personal and unique experience. One of the most difficult tasks for grieving children is to learn how to incorporate the death of a pet into their life and to figure out how to go on living without them. Regardless of their...

Breeding Betta Fish - Betta Fish Care

Friday, January 28, 2011

A Betta fish is a beautiful freshwater fish that comes in thumping color patterns. It is one of the most inexpensive fish to keep and doesn' t require much care at all. You can obtain a good breeding betta fish if you follow these simple requirements. Betta splendens (betta fish) have a fairly short lifespan, and are most successful as breeders when they under...

Understanding the Behavior of Gerbils

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gerbils are popular pets and can provide hours of fun as you watch their antics. Part of this comes from the fact that they are inquisitive creatures, almost to the point of being meddlesome. A new smell or object entering their cage will bring them out of their houses or tunnels. Often if there is a strange noise, a gerbil is more likely to come out of hiding...

Tips For Buying A Pet Snake

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Buying a snake can be a sizable investment. Getting a snake requires making a commitment to the pet's care and well-being. It is important to do your research so you know that the particular species or breed is something you will enjoy owning in the years to come. Find out how difficult they are to feed and house before you buy. Also find out about the snake's...

Which Parrot Is Right For Me?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Which parrot is right for me? This is a question that you must ask yourself before you think of keeping these lovely birds as pets. It is as important as your decision to have a child. You need to ask - which parrot is right for me - because every parrot has its distinctive temperament and nature. No two parrots are alike. Blue and Gold Macaws Eating Popcorn...

Why Groundhogs Are Terrible House Pets

Monday, January 24, 2011

Thinking about a groundhog as a pet? Please read this article before trapping or charming one into your home. They are demanding animals and quite honestly belong in the wild. Is there any upside? Absolutely. Similar to a dog, my groundhog will lovingly greet me when I come home, but then he hastily scurries back into the crawl space and starts digging. If I...

The Causes of a Box Turtle Eye Infection

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Box turtles are great pets with real character but they are not the easiest turtles to care for in comparison to other turtles who are much easier to look after. Although I must say all turtles need a certain level of maintenance. When taking on the responsibility of caring for a turtle you will inevitably come up against some health issues, one of them might...

How Kittens Learn to Hunt

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cats have been famous for hunting mice and rats for as long as cats and people have been together. As strange as it may seem to some people, cats are not born knowing how to hunt. It is a skill they learn from watching their mothers. If the mother cat is a good hunter, then her kittens will learn to be good hunters. Interestingly, kittens seem to learn the best...

Irish Draught Horse - Not Your Typical Draft Horse

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Irish Draught horse is the national horse of Ireland. The name Irish Draught may be misleading since the breed is a lighter, more free moving animal than the traditional image of the heavy draft horse. The Irish Draught is neither as massive nor as heavily feathered as its name implies. The breed has been in existence for at least a century or more and...

Is It Safe to Feed Raw Meat to Dogs?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Many pet owners worry when they see their dog eating raw meat. But it should be understood that raw foods are what canines are meant to eat actually. Can you only imagine if wolves and coyotes had to wait for someone to cook and/or process their food! Dog with a Chicken Leg by Simon Helle Nielsen The digestive systems of dogs are far different than...

Making Paralyzed Dogs Enjoy Life

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

One of the reasons for a dog to be called man's best friend is its ability to feel the same emotions that humans feel. This can be feelings of happiness, sadness, anger just like its master. In fact, this animal can very well sympathize with its master. And with their antics, they are more likely to bring out smiles from their masters. Nevertheless, when it's...

Birman Cats

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Legend of the Birman The Birman cat is a beautiful breed of cat that is believed to have come from the country of Burma, where it was kept as the pet of trusted priests. According to legend, the guardians of Burmese temples were actually cats that had long white hair and yellow eyes. The goddess of the main temple had blue eyes. In this legend, the head...

Is Zebra Finch Breeding Art Or Fun?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Understanding the minimum daily requirements of Zebra Finch breeding is all it takes to raise your own little finches. The birds think it's a great idea and breed freely in suitable cage environments. When the birds are both healthy and happy in their environment, breeding will take place if steps are not taken to prevent it. It is best to put a mature pair...

Flame Angelfish Care

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The flame angelfish (Centropyge Loriculus) is probably the most popular member of the genus centropyge in the saltwater aquarium hobby nowadays. It owes this fact to the beauty this saltwater aquarium fish possesses. It is a bright mixture between orange and red with blue accents toward the end of its anal and dorsal fins. Flame Angelfish by Ken Tam Vertical...

Reincarnation - People Are Animals, Too

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I have a theory. It's unsubstantiated, but what theory isn't? It has to do with animals - cats, dogs and birds - your garden variety house pet. Although it's become more apparent those animals of the wild kingdom variety fall into this spectrum also. Okay. Are you ready? I have concluded that animals are the product of reincarnation. Possible Reincarnation...

Tips on Camping With Your Dog

Friday, January 14, 2011

Summertime is the one time of year when people leave the comforts of their home and bed to sleep in canvas shelters with little between them and the rocks on the ground. Some will sleep in sleeping bags and a few will take along an air up mattress, which makes camping really comfortable. Packing for a weekend camping trip usually includes a tent, cooking utensils,...

Birds - Parakeet Care

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Parakeets are one of America's most popular birds today. They make great pets because they are very friendly, have a cheerful disposition and are very entertaining. They also have very beautiful bright color varieties. Parakeets don't require a lot of maintenance or money. Parakeets are also known as Budgies or Keets. They are one of the smallest members...

Which Hamster Breed is the Most Popular?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I suppose it's only fair that the very first hamster to be formerly introduced, around 1930, the Syrian hamster has ascended to the throne of the most popular of all of the hamster breeds, out ranking both other standard hamsters and dwarf hamsters alike. They were originally used as laboratory test animals, primarily because of their friendly demeanor and propensity...

Springer Spaniel - The Best Choice For a Pet?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

There are many reasons to get a dog and there are many types of dog to choose from. Here we will take a look at some of the up-sides to dog ownership as well as the downsides, particularly with regard to choosing and training Springer Spaniels. Most people know the therapeutic value of stroking a dog. It calms the old and infirm and gives a general feeling...