It's a Dog's Life

It's a Dog's Life
Furry Four-legged Fun

Family Felines

Family Felines
Cats Rule and Dogs Drool

Won't You Be My Neigh-Bor?

Won't You Be My Neigh-Bor?
Ride 'Em Cowgirl(boy)

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather
Flights of Fancy

How to Handle Horse Injuries

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Five element horse temperament typing can help you if your horse gets a painful injury because different types will respond differently and you need to be able to anticipate these reactions. It is important to consider your horse's temperament when you examine and treat the injury to avoid further damage to your horse and yourself. In my vet career I have seen...

Feline Obesity - Feeding Fat Cats

Friday, April 8, 2011

Garfield is the icon of the all-American fat cat. But feline obesity is no laughing matter. It is a serious health concern that all owners should be aware of. Obesity is the No. 1 feline health problem in most countries in which cats are house pets. Some owners may not realize their cats weigh in as obese, but a few extra pounds can have a large impact on a...

Facts on Leopard Gecko Reproduction

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Leopard gecko reproduction is an important and rewarding part of any leo keepers experience. Not only will you get new leos, you'll also be able to produce more morphs through selective breeding. Learning how to reproduce known morphs can become quite lucrative for any breeder and keeper. So let's learn more about this interesting subject. Baby Geckos by...

Playing with Your Puppy - A How-to Guide

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

You work hard all day and when you come home, all you want to do is plop down on the couch and turn on mindless television like Jerry Springer. Today's commute was especially grueling because of an accident and you are starving to death because you forgot your lunch and had no cash for Taco Bell. Who do you suppose is home waiting for your return and could not...

6 Useful and Interesting Tips About Bearded Dragons

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Most reptiles found throughout the world range from the weird and wonderful to the just down right bizarre, which makes the fascinating creatures to observe, study and yes even keep in your own home! One of the most unusual and unique lizards out there would have to be Australia's famous bearded dragon. Because they are native to this part of the world,...

The History of the Chinchilla

Monday, April 4, 2011

This exotic animal was named after the Chincha people of the Andes region. The Andes Mountains in South America. Chinchilla actually means "little Chincha". Back around the close of the 19th century, the animals were known for their thick and soft fur. There are two types of chinchillas. The chinchilla brevicaudata, which is also known as the Bolivian,...

Breakthrough Treatments for Arthritis in Cats

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What I love about living in today's world is that there are so many advancements going on. If you have ever had a cat that was diagnosed with arthritis or you think your cat is displaying signs of arthritis, then the good news is that you have a greater variety of options when it comes to treatment for arthritis in cats. It seems that modern medicine has found...

Hazards of Cockatoo Dander

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cockatoo dander is produced continuously and is a normal and healthy part of its growth and development. Dander, or flakes of dead skin, falls off as new skin grows in to replace the old. This process allows newer, more resilient skin to take the place of older skin that is less likely to be able to protect the bird from germs and the onset of disease. In the...

Setting Up Your Cichlid Fish Tank

Friday, April 1, 2011

Cichlids are known to bring color to a room by its mere appearance. Its behavior also paves way for a very entertaining spectacle. These two reasons are just some of the reasons why more and more people have started to collect and breed cichlids. If you are a first-timer at this, you have to understand some basic cichlid necessities, such as the cichlid aquarium...

Neon Tetras in Your Tropical Fish Aquarium

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Neon Tetra fish are small freshwater fishes and very popular with tropical aquarium enthusiasts because of their bright colors and ease of care. Probably the most popular tropical aquarium Tetra is the Neon Tetra. Originally from freshwater streams in Brazil, Columbia and Peru, it's a peaceful, community fish and quite suitable for the beginner aquarist. Black...

Help! My Dog Has Heartburn!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yes, it's true! Dogs can get heartburn just like humans can, but the condition isn't nearly as frequent with our canine friends. Unfortunately, when they do suffer from a bout, they can't tell you what's wrong, and they can't just pop an antacid to take care of the problem. As your pet's owner and companion, you need to know what the signs of heartburn in dogs...

Essential Dwarf Hamster Keeping Tips

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Although they may be smaller to the cousin species, Syrian Hamsters, the dwarf hamster requires the same amount of care. There are several different species of dwarf hamster and they all can make wonderful pets. Hamster's First Birthday by Dan Derrett Dwarf hamsters can often be more delicate, skittish, and faster to make an escape. Their small size allows...

Nano Reef Aquarium

Monday, March 28, 2011

There is a new growing popularity in the reef keeping hobby called Nano Reefs. As the name implies, a nano reef is a reef aquarium on a small scale; 2.5 to 29 gallons. The price of a nano reef is also on a small scale, from the tank itself, the lighting, and it takes less live rock and corals to make a very dramatic reef display. It was often thought that...

Treating Symptoms of Hookworms in Dogs

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hookworms are very common in dogs, most especially in puppies. Most of the time, puppies catch the disease more readily than full-grown dogs. Hookworms are tiny internal parasites that can infect a dog or puppy, and are sometimes fatal, most notably in puppies. While the instance of hookworm is uncommon in older dogs, they may still be infected, but if they...

Lighting, Heating and UVB for Chameleons

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Chameleons, being reptiles, have a different attitude towards night and day, thus they are more sensitive to changing temperatures and lighting ad compared to humans and other warm-blooded animals. They are also more inclined to be active at night, and start their day once dusk takes place. However, when they are taken as pets, their lifestyle changes, and this...

The Most Common Hedgehog Diseases

Friday, March 25, 2011

While hedgehogs are usually hardy little individuals, it may be inevitable that your hedgehog will become ill during the course of its life. Hygiene and a clean environment will go a long way to keeping your hedgehog healthy as will keeping its cage in a draft free part of the house. You should always keep hedgehogs within a temperature range of 70-85 degrees...

The Most Common Pet Infections and Pet Medications

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Our pets are our best friends. We love them and their company and they have an unconditional love for us. And when one of them gets sick, it can be just as tough as having to care for a sick child. It's also just as stressful. Infections are the most common health issue in dogs and cats, as well as many other animals you may have as a pet. There are a few common...

Pet Bird Care - 5 Ways to Help Your Pet Bird Live Longer

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How long your bird lives is directly related to the care that you give it. And since there are never any guarantees in life, the following five suggestions can greatly increase their life span as well as quality of life. Whatcha Doin'? by Tim Zim Seek Regular Professional Care Instinct causes birds to hide their symptoms of illness. This is because in the...

The Norweigan Forest Cat is a Beast

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Norwegian Forest cat is quite a beastly feline, in appearance, and occasionally demeanor. They are known for being gentle with humans, and reasonably patient with children. However, just like the pit bull (sorry to mention dogs) can be a deadly creature, so too can the Forest Cat. Not necessarily to humans, but to small rodent-like creatures that roam the...

The Antediluvian Andalusian - An Ancient and Aspiring Horse

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Andalusian horse is one of the oldest pure horse breeds in the world. It has been highly regarded since the Middle Ages and reigned for several centuries as the embodiment of perfection, but Spanish horses have always been esteemed for their quality and appearance since Roman times. Andalusian Workout by David De Biasí The Andalusian has officially...

Raising a Pet Coatimundi: Learn The Details

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Raising a pet coatimundi can be quite a challenge at the start especially if you're going to do this for the first time. You need to know a lot of important things. You also need to consider different sets of factors while you're doing this so that you can ascertain that your exotic pet won't grow up having bad habits that may cause you some harm later on. Pet...