It's a Dog's Life

It's a Dog's Life
Furry Four-legged Fun

Family Felines

Family Felines
Cats Rule and Dogs Drool

Won't You Be My Neigh-Bor?

Won't You Be My Neigh-Bor?
Ride 'Em Cowgirl(boy)

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather
Flights of Fancy

What's with Those Poodle Hair Cuts

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Poodle's coat consists of two types of hair. The outer coat should be thick, wiry and curly. The undercoat must be soft and woolly to provide warmth. Puppies, however, are exceptions. Poodle puppy coats are soft and fine with little or no curl, but often with a slight wave. Country Poodles by Living in Monrovia As the dog matures into adulthood, the...

Toxic Household Items for Birds

Saturday, October 30, 2010

If you have a pet of any kind, safety should always be your number one priority. There are so many things that humans use in their daily lives that are toxic to the animals we protect. No matter what kind of animal you have as a pet, you have to be sure that you are never allowing them to be harmed in any way by something that they might find on the floor or...

Hamsters - Fuzzy Balls Of Fun

Friday, October 29, 2010

As a child, most of us grew up with hamsters or friends who had hamsters. Even our children are fascinated with the small fuzzy creatures. There are many types of hamsters, dwarf, Syrian, Russian, Chinese, and hybrid. The hamster is a burrower so they prefer to have lots of bedding to hide under as well as tubes to create little nests in. The most difficult...

Litter Box Furniture - Decorate and Disguise at the Same Time

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cat litter box furniture can be a great way to hide your kitty's toileting area. You can find types that offer a variety of capabilities or are decorative in addition to housing the litter pan. Besides disguising the area, these types also provide your pet some much-needed solitude when toileting. A number of styles are discussed below. Copenhagen Cat Collection...

5 Top Tips for Keeping Happy Goldfish

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The goldfish is widely considered one of the lowest maintenance pets available. There is a great deal of truth in this statement: there is no need to take it out on walks in the rain, nor the requirement to fix a fish-flap into your backdoor. Despite the relative ease with which fish can be kept however; there are still a few commonly made mistakes when...

Red Eared Slider Turtles -Tips on Care and Diet

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Taking care of Red Eared Turtles takes more than just a container decorated with colorful pebbles and filled with water. These animals have specific housing needs, and require special diets and close monitoring; all this in order to ensure their health and safety, and allow them to live out their maximum lifespans. The following tips about the Red Eared Turtle...

Racing Canines

Monday, October 25, 2010

You will find numerous breeds of canines that may be known as sporting canines. Even pit bulls and fighting canines can fit this loose definition. But today's discussion is going to be on a specific form of sporting dog, the racing dog. Most racing canines are greyhounds. Long before the bus line adopted the greyhound's sleek form to epitomize the traveler,...

What Do Rabbits Eat - An A-Z Guide To What Do Rabbits Eat

Sunday, October 24, 2010

If you are part of the amazingly lucky group of people who own rabbits you will know that there is a wealth of information out there on rabbit care and in particular on feeding your rabbit. However, when it comes to feeding, much of it is general e.g.: rabbits can eat fruit. As bunny lovers, we know that sometimes you need to know about a specific item. So...

The Rarest Domestic Cat Breed on Earth

Saturday, October 23, 2010

There are many domestic cat breeds. Most people including cat lovers will not have heard of a number of them. They will almost certainly be unaware of this rarest of breeds. There is little hard fact surrounding the history of the Sokoke Cat. The breed was named after the forest from where she originated on the coast of Kenya. The Sokoke Forest is the largest...

Why Hermit Crabs Make Great Pets

Friday, October 22, 2010

Hermit crabs have been kept as pets for quite sometime now. However, they have become increasingly popular over the last few years or so. Hermit crab lovers everywhere have made an elaborate hobby of raising hermit crabs. Some just have room for one or two crabbies. Others have a veritable colony of these creatures. This newfound love of hermit crabs as pets...

Cichlid Care - What You Need to Know

Thursday, October 21, 2010

There are over 1,500 different cichlid species in the world that come from the same Cichidae family. They are found in different countries including Africa, the United States, and parts of Asia and South America. Cichlid care is rather easy, since most breeds in this species are known to be hardy fish. Green Texas Cichlid by Scott Kinmartin One of the...

Don't Let Your Puppy Freeze This Winter

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Even as the weather starts to cool during the fall season, it is time to start thinking about safety concerns for your little four-legged friend. One thing that some people fail to remember is that their dogs can get cold too. Whether you are taking your pup for a walk or you are going to the pet store together, you will want to make sure that you are making...

Stressed Cats: Things That Stress Felines Out

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sure, your cat may not have to worry about money or getting a job, but that does not mean that your pet does not have stress in his or her life. Every living thing, at one point in their life, will be stressed out. As humans, we know that there are different options on how we will deal with our stress. Most people do not realize that there is stress in cats....

Do-It-Yourself With Dog House Plans

Monday, October 18, 2010

Building a house for your pet doesn’t have to be hard with dog house plans. There are a couple reasons that I would recommend doing this. Save Money You could end up saving quite a bit of money by building it yourself. Since you pick out all the materials yourself, you can shop around for the best deal. You can even buy it on the off season and store it until...

How to Raise Quail

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Looking for an interesting and unique pet? Quails can be not only great pets, but also quite profitable in the long run to have. Quails are unique in their behavior, appearance, and personalities. If this is your first experience with raising quails you’ll want to start out small. A small “flock” and coop are best until you get into the swing of things. Quail...

Horse Vision - How Do Horses View The World?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Finding out how a horse sees his environment helps us understand why horses behave the way they do in many situations. Many times, horse problems are the direct result of the way the horse perceives and reacts to a certain situation and because horses see the world differently than we do, it's important that you understand these differences so you are in a position...

The Red Zebra Cichlid - A Violent Fish

Friday, October 15, 2010

Originating from the East African Rift Lake, Malawi, Red Zebra Cichlids are also known as Malawi Cichlids. Their fins are long and yellow and, as the name suggests, their body is striped. They may grow up to 6 inches and live for up to 10 years. Males tend to be more attractive than the females. Red Zebra Cichlid by calwhiz An aquarium no smaller than...

Guidelines For Choosing a Dog Halloween Costume

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Choosing a Halloween costume for your dog may seem simple enough, but if you have ever dressed your dog up for Halloween before then you know it is anything but simple. There are many things that you have to think about when choosing a costume. The way it looks is just one consideration and it isn't even the most important. You actually have to put some thought...

Koi Pond Kits - Everything You Need To Know

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The view of koi swimming around a pond, the sound of flowing water and sight of the fish jumping around all has an amazing effect on anyone that owns a koi pond. All this can relax an onlooker and help relieve stress naturally. To avoid the stress brought on by designing and building your own koi pond, you can buy a pond kit for your Koi fish from any major...

Elderly Cat Care

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Our cats become a part of the family over time. But unlike humans, who are considered elderly at 60 or 65, cats are considered "senior citizens" at the ripe old age of 10. It is important to understand the proper care of cats at all stages of life. A kitten cannot be fed, groomed, medicated, and treated the same way as an elderly cat. Here is a guide to proper...

Polecat - Ferret - A Comparison

Monday, October 11, 2010

Both the ferret and the polecat belong to the weasel family and look very similar but there are a number of differences that set them apart. Often known as the domesticated polecat, ferret pets are gregarious while polecats prefer to stay alone. Ferrets can be differentiated on the basis of a number of features especially smell. Polecats are known to emanate...